Welcome to your online source for news and information supporting the Viking Alumni of Jackson High School in Jackson, Michigan.
This site has spawned from the "Virtual Yearbook" previously found at
This is the most comprehensive site of JHS Alumni found on the internet with 36,724 senior pictures and names representing
114 years spanning 1891 thru 2023
If you like what you see, click on the Facebook Like button on the menu bar and share with your friends.
Are you looking for yearbooks other than those from Jackson High? Try
The Yearbook Network at
www.yearbook.net and see if you can find it there and
like them on Facebook to be kept updated to new additions.
Alumni News
Monday, Mar 1, 2021
Use the CONTACT US button above to get the process started to help spread the news about your upcoming renuion. All your information can be posted on this site which is at the top of Google's results when searching
"Jackson High School Michigan Reunion". Don't let your classmates be left out of your next get together just because they don't use Facebook.
The yearbooks found on this site have been donated, loaned or purchased from various resources. We are looking for yearbooks to add to the site to fill the gaps.
If you have a yearbook you would like to sell, loan or donate, please use the "Contact Us" link in the menu bar and let us know what you have.
We're trying to grow VikingAlumni.Com into THE "go-to" source for alumni pictures and news.
If you have a yearbook that is not on this site yet, perhaps you wouldn't mind helping get it online.
This site is not run from the Jackson area so yearbooks have to be sent to the web master to be scanned.
Please use the "CONTACT US" link to get more information if you're interested.
For those of you coordinating future class reunions, we will be creating a Reunion Page and including links
and information on the front page of the site. Please let us know your reunion details so they can
be included here. Again, use the "CONTACT US" link to get things started.